Thoughts of a Night Run

Running an extra mile requires effort, strength, stamina, breathe inside your lungs and much more importantly; passion. The passion and the eagerness to finish or to follow your steps till you finally can have a glimpse of the finish line. Or, you know, just to encourage them to finish and reach their finish lines. Yes, how life is similar to a running track is hysterical. We all run, in separate, skew and interleaved paths and directions. We run for our hopes, our dreams, our desires, and love, or we can run as an escape from misery, life daily problems, nightmares and failures.

Running an extra mile takes up energy that you may never afford and sometimes you run an extra mile to gain a momentarily energy, an infinitesimal amount of happiness that you may or may not feel again, you run with all the risks in the world that you may fall and broke down into million other pieces more than you have already broken before. But you run anyway. You run twice as hard, twice as long, with all the remaining bits of your energy, with all your last breathes inside your tired lungs that are trying to suck air from every direction, with your tired tiny legs, with every inch in your body screaming to stop, you run. You run an extra mile.

Funnily enough, life is becoming a huge running track in my point of view. A track where am crawling towards an invisible finish line like a small fat old naive turtle who thinks it can beat the fastest rabbit of all. All the repeating events and flashing memories are similar to repeating a new lap of your run. In a new lap, you see the same buildings, you see same corners, same views and same places anyway. The only difference on each new lap, is that you know what exactly is going to happen, how exactly you are going to feel, how tired you will feel with only one difference: you know it is going to end sooner than you think. This, this is how I deal with the problems in life, the obstacles that appears in the midway is similar to a new lap with the same events, same dramas and same endings.

I ran the extra mile, with absolutely expecting nothing in return. I ran an extra mile, in vain.


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