Thoughts of a freaking Tuesday night

Thoughts of a freaking Tuesday night

You know? I hate lying. Life has already much more problems for us, so why do we increase them by lying? Isn’t it enough we live in different obstacles every couple of days?
Was it all a lie? How can we change in a week? I mean yeah, I changed over the years. But a week? Wow. Impressive. New world records are being made here, give an applause, please. So, am I suppose to believe or have high hopes or even low hopes? If anything, it would make us create more fences, higher, stronger and undefeatable as much as possible.

2 years of having low self esteem, changed the idea of who I wanted to be. Maybe this is who I really am and maybe nothing changed at all. Maybe, just maybe, I had a wrong idea about myself, wrong expectations, misleading ambitions.

What? 2 unrelated topics, I know. Who told you I think of one thing at a time? I feel low, that’s all, blue and dizzy.


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