
Knowing that magic may not exist, miracles rarely happen and that not all prayers can be accepted, I kept wishing that somehow, miraculously, unexpectedly, magically, we would have a chance to meet. But couple of hours left and we didn’t, even though I still have these hopes. But.. well.

From another point in my tiny little head, I think maybe I was meant to experience all of this by my own, maybe I could reach a sane decision. Maybe, I would make the proper choice.

Inverse as my life is going, it is still interesting in a way. In a really weird way. Sometimes I feel all of this is not real, all of this is not a reality, for what is reality really? Till this day, I don’t know.

For whatever the output of the upcoming days, am grateful for all of that. All the weirdness, even though I don’t truly understand it or understand why all of this is happening with all the weird timings.

For all am thinking about, is how nice it would have been. How different it would have all felt.
The beauty of all the new things, would have been timed by millions, and still wouldn’t have been easy to be described.

For all the past days, hours, minutes and seconds, I had only but one wondering:
Why aren’t you here?


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