A Caramel Bonbon

It is 4 or 5 pm before sunset and I am 9 or 10 years old, probably sometime in July or August. I am wearing navy shorts and a white shirt. Perhaps a black cap on my head. My hair is a bony tail and I just returned home from buying some sweets from the market in our street.

I went upstairs, my mum and my sister are watching TV. Some TV series perhaps is on or some old songs.

I go to my room which was then shared with my sister, I sat on my bed and checked my toys, my little stories, my baby gun, my various - [non-working, so called old, and not used so I took them to play sci-fi games] - devices. I head to the balcony with all my stuff to settle in the little tent I made from old bed sheets. I take my sweets that I just bought as well.  I set on the little- barely holding on- hammock that was also made from some old bed sheets. I fell so so so many times off that hammock tearing it apart with my little weight, until I finally managed to get some "newer" sheets from my mum to make the hammock without falling off of it. I enjoy the little sunset breeze (yeah back then, 18 years ago there could be some breeze in August nights in Cairo), I think about the future and what may it hold for me, I think about my little stories and how much I adore them and how much I wanna be like the heroes in these stories one day.. I eat my chips, my chocolates, drink some soft drink and then finally, the caramel bonbons.

We used to have some caramel bonbons, very famous in my childhood. They were wrapped up in a transparent piece of plastic, and they were only sold for 5p.t. I used to get 5 for 25p.t or 10 for 50p.t. We don't have the 5pt. currency anymore. Unfortunately, I don't think we have that caramel bonbon sold anymore either. Perhaps there are replicas, but not like it.

But why am I remembering a caramel bonbon all of a sudden?

It just so happens, that a couple of days ago, I have been in a huge fight with my mother. That I cried my heart out. She says I am changing everyday in front of her eyes, and she is afraid of what I might turn to be next.
I was crying so hard, that one of my friends offered me a caramel bonbon. Of course, it is not in any way similar to the one I had in my childhood. This one is freaking expensive and wrapped up in a classy yellow and brownish piece of paper. I didn't eat it back then, I had no appetite at all. I thanked her and kept it with me though.

However, I was just thinking in my room right now, the very same room I had when I was 9 or 10 years old. But now I have it completely for me. Yay. I was setting on my bed and checking all my books (almost all of them are grown up sophisticated books now, not just stories, but yeah I have trivial ones for sure) , my electronic devices that are now working, thank god, my pile of clothes on the chair, and some sweets left on my desk. I turn and eat the little caramel bonbon.

How life has changed? That much. That big.
How come everything seems similar but yet so different?
Where did the old caramel bonbons go and how did they get now different replicas that are so expensive?
Where did the 5p.t go, mum?
That's time.

I am not changing, I am just growing up. I am sorry I am doing it differently than what you might have had in mind.

Yeah, all of this went through my head just because I ate some fancy caramel bonbon.
Would you imagine the rest that goes on my mind due to normal, more important, life changing decisions thoughts?



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