Life Lesson 101

You know why people usually fear cancer?
Aside from the pain, aside from the long treatment journey. Cancer makes you lose a part of you.
The problem is not only that this part is physical but also, it's a part of your soul. Probably, not only yours.

Cancer, makes you take the decision, with your full senses, to take off a part of you, rip it off, for a chance to survive. Is that selfish? I wonder. Usually, it doesn't stop there. It takes off your hair, yes. It's not cancer though, it is the so called cure to cancer that does. Chemo, takes off your hair.

The "thing" that is suppose to cure you, actually rip you off something else. So, you now take the decision to rip of a part of you, and accept that fact, no, not only that, but also you are now aware that you will lose another part of you. But, temporarily. Hopefully.

Is that it? No, I wish that was it. In the process, you usually lose a part of your soul. No, let's not be pessimistic shall we? Some people, actually manage to make the best out of the worst situations. To take the lemons of life and convert it into something beautiful. The survivors, the positive ones who actually pass the experience with an accepting soul and a wise mind. Those who were able to continue with less problems and less worries that others, the heroes, I call them.

But we are not all superheroes, are we? I really hope we all were.
So, you lose a part of your body, all your hair, and a part of your soul. Why the hassle? Why you just not live with it? Get it over with? Deal with it. Come on, man up!
Because you know the consequences, eh? You know it may spread, causing much more damage and will slowly or in a fast way kill you. And you probably don't want that, right? You wanna survive eventually. We all do, natural instincts and stuff.

When a part of your body has cancer, you probably do your best not to lose it, I believe you. You do your best to keep it, you want it in your life, I mean, it is a freaking part of you. You fight, you go to many doctors, you try all the medicines you can try, you get chemo sessions, you lose your hair, and you lose weight in the process, you try them all. Some cases, that doesn't work. You have to cut that part off. In order to survive, you cannot both live in one body anymore. Someone's got to leave.

But what if you are not one of the heroes we hear of? What if you are one of the normal people who just could not cope with that fact? What if you lost that part of your body, and that part of your soul?
Your soul is no longer the same, you are incomplete.

What if you found out that it really didn't make a difference whether to die with your obstacle or to survive without it? What if, after all of that, it didn't matter? What if, after all these losses, you could not find any gain? What if, despite all these gains, you could only see one loss?
You little arrogant girl, do you want it all? Who are you to have it all?
Wake up. It may have escaped your notice, but life isn't fair.


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