Ich lerne Duetsch


So today was a very awesome day. I finally started my long awaited German course!
Ich heiße Shrouk, Ich komme aus Ägypten.

The teacher started by these phrases and stuff like "Wer bist du? Wie heißen sie?" and so on.

Sie, is tricky, it's either "she" or "formal you", it is used depending on the verb used and the meaning of the sentence of course.

Funny thing is, the teacher kept asking "Klar?" and I replied "Alles Klar." After the exercises, she would ask "Fertig?" and I would say "Oui"... Ahem.. I remember my first time at the French course when I kept saying "Yes" instead of "Oui". Today, it took me sometime to say "Ja" instead of "Oui". Languages!

We had some exercises und one of them was sehr schön. It was to listen to 5 different Musik styles and determine which country each one belonged to. Languages and Musik at the same time? Perfekt!

So the first one was aus dem Iran, Iranian Musik, I honestly never knew they had a Musik style. The second one was aus Spanien, the third was aus der Türkei, the 4th was aus Frankreich, and the last one was aus Österreich. Speaking of Österreich, I got to pronounce it almost gut from the very first time. Aber, there was no Musik aus der Schweiz.

I really do love languages, and even more, I love practicing them. I love comparing them to each others and see the similarities and differences, the various definition for one thing or one word versus a river of vocabulary.

I remember how you taught me all of this, literally. I remember each time you corrected my spelling so that today I can pronounce the "St, Sp, Wie, Wer, ß, Zwei ...and so many others including, of course, Österreich" and so many many more. I remember how we made a promise to teach others the basics of Duetsch once I start these lessons...
I will always be thankful for each and every letter you taught me. Forever thankful.

Ich habe groß Hausaufgabe! (Je souhaite que c'est richtig)

Danke schön.
Gute Nacht/ Guten Morgen/ Guten Tag oder Guten Abend :)


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