Thoughts of a Sunday night slash Monday morning

"♪♫ Once I was seven years old, my mama told me, go make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."

I remember when I was a little girl, of about 10 or 11 years, I asked one of my friends; why aren't we friends as before? I accused her later of having no friends, of loneliness. I told her directly to not to be friends with me anymore. She said fine.

But why did I do so anyway? I was full of rage. I was furious she's not caring about me the same way I cared about her, so I decided to hurt her, on purpose. Yup. On purpose. Why else did I do that? I was a kid. I was an immature girl who just wanted revenge.

"♪♫ Once I was twenty years old, my story got told, before the morning sun when life was lonely.."

Funny how social media can get the crap out of us, eh? My worst impatient behavior of all happened in my mid twenties. I rejected any further friendship from a person and I decided to cut all ties once and for all. But I admit, I was, again, immature. Full of rage, furious of the current situation and helpless.

"♪♫ Soon we will be thirty years old, our songs have been sold, we've traveled around the world and we're still roaming.."

Soon we will be thirty years old, eh? Thirty. Meaning, allegedly, we will be more mature. More effective, more responsible of our actions and more importantly; our effects on other human beings. You see, hurting people on purpose is what I call lack of responsibility, immaturity and childishness. You, hurt me on purpose. Of all people, you hurt me on purpose. Choosing of hurt through social media is the worst, it declares our lack of communication, our misinterpretation of feelings, our abuse to the inability of the person to reply back the ugliness of it all.

We no longer ask our friends to not to be friends anymore, we no longer ask our lovers to get out of our lives because their presence hurts us. We simply remove them. We simply click a stupid button to end a friendship/relationship, or whatever the hell it used to be, just to end it. Out of rage. Out of anger. On a sudden. On purpose. We don't even have the guts of confrontation. We don't have the dignity to speak up. We are all weak, immature and irresponsible. We are all just a little girl slash boy inside who wants revenge. Yes. You. Why else are you reading this?

"... I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month ♪♫ "



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