Thoughts of a 27 full years

Twenty Seven. Yup. I don't know why exactly did that number hit me that hard. People suppose to freak out at 30, but am freaking out at 27. Reasons for that? Maybe am just a big fat drama queen, maybe am curious about the achievements of those years, maybe am fed up of being single till now. Maybe nothing of those and am not freaking out about the age at all. Twenty seven years, full of success, desires, dreams, disappointments and a regret. A regret that only a time machine can fix. Or you know, maybe it should not be fixed, maybe it is just fate. As I proceed every single day with my life, the more I realize how idiot I was, the more I hate my life even more. No, I don't entirely hate my life, I just hate the parts I screwed up in my life. 

So, each year I have a bunch of goals, I usually achieve only half of them, and the other half just go down the road of failures. This year I am trying to relate the goals to each others so that I could end one and start the second, maybe the parallel tasking was not the best after all. But hey, I still got some parallel goals as well, that has not changed.

Then maybe, just maybe, things could go right, or at least, go in a way that is satisfying to me. I hate being a drama queen and I hate being a brat. It is all happening inside my tiny little head and the war never goes out of it.


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