Unseen Pieces of A Broken Lamp

A couple of days ago, around 04:00, I pressed down the button to light the bathroom, I usually never enter a room, any room, while it is not lit yet. Simply because am afraid of the dark. I got used to it way more than before, but still not to the point to walk at 04:00 O'clock in the dark.

So yeah, unexpectedly then, the lamp upwards broke and made an annoying noise with a blue frightening spark, then it fell down on the floor to break to endless little pieces.

I was furious, that's not the time now to clean the mess behind that lamp! I need to sleep! Moreover, the sound of the vacuum machine will wake up the whole building!
But I had to clean it, otherwise anyone can step on it and get hurt. I had to make sure that the gathered pieces are well covered so that they won't hurt anyone else.

After removing all the visible pieces, it was okay to walk through the place again. But still, one can find a little piece here or there right?
You can never really get rid of everything all at once. There is always a slight possibility, that you may find a hidden piece here or there.

It got me thinking, isn't that what happens with some of our memories as well?
We do our best to clear our minds, to move forward, to live the next day a little different than the one before.

What if you stepped on one of these little unseen pieces? It may have left a scar, it hurts every time you step on it for some time. It may leave a mark for life. Who really knows?

Doesn't memories do that to us? Some are forgotten, some are kept safe, some hurt, and some may leave scars.

Learning to live with your scars, is not easy. I thought it is impossible. But, life teaches us weird things, and keeps reminding us, that all what we learned, is nothing compares to what’s coming next.
That we are now old enough to realize that not all scars heal, they do leave marks, but we learn to live with that.

We learn, the hard way, to carefully not step on an unseen little piece of memory, and to be sure that if we do step on it, it is not our fault that we didn't see it. It is not our fault that we have memories. It is our fault though, to feel ashamed we have them.

We all have broken lamps in our homes, we all have broken hearts in our life.


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