Things I will never say, things you will never say.

I had such a vivid dream of all my wishes and all my fears,
A dream with happiness that disappears
I did what I wanted to do for months
And felt my eyes filled with tears

Then I said what I wanted to say for days
Only to realize that nothing has changed
A reply so cold in so many ways
A reply destroying all that was arranged

"Yeah? Great, good to know." Unexcitedly
But I expected overwhilmmness instead
I keep having shocks repeatedly..
And I left all the rest unsaid..

Just one word "Get out", I hope you refused
But you didn't, you got up without fighting back
I looked back at you, you were at the door confused
I asked you to stay, oh, the firmness that I lack..

But then again it all ended
I woke up, back to the tasteless day
Away from a dream that I once friended
Away from the things you will never say


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