Non-Sent Messages 004

Of all the freakishly weird past days, today was one of the days I wanted to tell you about. A third priority among all of the things I wanna say, well.. I wish to say.

I had a Deutsch exam last week, and today I got the grade. I got 18/20 and they gave me eine Schokolade. The report of the teacher about me was very positive and she advised me to watch this series in German with German subtitles as well:
Mein Weg nach Deutschland -->

I just watched the first episode, and it is really cool and easy. In a weird way, it has some memories. Memories of around nur funfundzwanzig hours. Mais, it had a lot.

I also, ehem, got a lolipop, for "trying" to explain the difference between "bestimmte" und "unbestimmte" artikel. I gave some examples, die und eine, der und ein.. It was okayish, velleicht.

Gute Nacht..


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