Non-Sent Messages 002

I got new jeans!
I know it is such a trivial matter, but I really really like them ^_^ !
I cannot get that song of my head though "Let your heart hold fast"

Nope, I had not watched "Breakfast at Tiffany's", not yet. But am still planning to.

You know I keep seeing the broken streets, non-clean environments very colorful in my head, I keep having visuals of a better looking country. I still have hope. I caught myself having hope..

I wish you had hope as well, I wish you could see what I see and imagine what is beyond my thoughts as I do.

I wish for a million wishes and I wish for one more,
I wish I have known you way before,
Before it was all mixed up, but.. maybe,
Maybe I wanted to know you even more..

Too far and yet too close,
Too strict to what we chose,

Umm... damn it.



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