Non-sent Messages 001

Yesterday I've met people I haven't met in 2 full years. I felt happiness being stronger than I was.
It felt... different, better actually.  Victorious, that is how it felt.

You know learning languages is cool though?
But still, am interested in three similar languages and really je ne sais pas ce que je peux faire! Voglio imparare tutto! Pero, Yo tengo una muy mala memoria!

I ran yesterday 5km with a pace much better than before! Today I swam with better breathing and with much more strength than every time.

You know?
Am planning to see "Breakfast at Tiffany's" tomorrow night. Am so mad at myself that we didn't mention that one before. Wish I know whether you watched it or is it on your long list or if you will add it?
But, I won't. Yeah, I know.



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