
"I was so scared of non-existing.."
"I tried so hard to prove that I exist.."

I remember that dream, I remember being so sure I existed, somehow. I remember fighting for it in an extremely strong way.
These were two of the most weird sentences I have ever said, perhaps. Being so sure that we exist without even the urge to think whether if we do or do not, is a bless. A generation after generation, countless births and countless deaths, moving forward and making progress in all fields of our so called life, only that the next breading will continue after us on and on and on.

So, how do you know you exist? What makes you so sure that you are in your own reality or somebody else's reality?
How can you make sure you are dreaming or not?
What is reality to you? How do you interpret dreams?

What is reality to me?
I have never been really sure. Sometimes I am though.

Sometimes, I look at people around me in the streets, and wonder, do they feel the same? Do they think of such stuff?

Some other times, like now, I convince my little brain with one fact, we exist. I don't know how, I don't know why, I don't know what will happen later but we do exist. That's that and no harm done. Hopefully.

There you go, just another babbling of my own, more sentences that have no meaning or a certain purpose but a little hope to clear my head.


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