We Love..

We love, we do fall with all our hearts and feelings into deep love. When you hear a romantic song, when you feel the air breeze in your face, when are in a wedding, engagement, or any love related ceremony.. We then realize we are in love.

It may be denied, it may be lied, but the truth is , there is no girl on this planet earth who did not fall in love at least once. Guessing we are created to love. .

I loved you, though I feel I never really met you, I feel missing and that's why I know I love you.

I may have loved before but not as much as I love you. I love you before I even see you, can you imagine this? Just, this weird certainty that I will meet you one day, one day you will know about all of this, one day you will actually listen to all the stories I have been saving to tell you. One day, you will really see me as I always wanted to be seen. One day I will make you happy as I always wished to do so.. You will hear the unheard voices, you will see the invisible me , you will read my complicated thoughts, and dive into  my weird messy world and let me dive into yours.

Desperate as it may sound, pathetic as it may seem , this is how I deal with it. This is how it all goes in my head.

What if you never show? I know you will, in this worthless life or in heaven.
You are meant for me, as much as I am meant for you. There is no doubt about that... I wish.


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