Same Train

It's all about priorities haven't you noticed yet?
Was it too long to make you forget?
The hards and darks that you've met
but you were betting on your highest bet

The bet failed and failed you down.
You were the radio and you were the clown
You are the one existing everyday
You are the one that goes in every way

What speciality you think you had?
And for how long will happiness make you sad?
Surviving all of this you were sane enough
To go through pretending you are tough.

But they don't know about the tears she shed
Or the lies to herself she said

Because the truth was insane
And the uncertainity went in vain
Again you only got ypurself to blame
Again you took the same train

Welcome on board most miserable of all
Welcome on board the world is too small

Although to you may seem unfair
Full of miseries and despair
But how dare you try to captivate air?
How dare you cross that one thin hair?


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