Stupid Master of Stupidity

Let us break that lonely heart
Surrounded by fences up so high
Destroy them, diminish them, torn them apart
Cut the wings so it cannot fly

Now see why were these fences built
Understand the miseries it felt
Know the facts, the lies, the history
Everything is no longer a mystery

Then fill this emptiness by illusions,
Let the mind create fake conclusions
Stupid master of stupidity
Used her weakness and vulnerability

With hectic thoughts she filled her world..
While you were digging to show what she tried to fold..

You thought we were not what I wanted us to be
I thought you knew what you were for me
Get out once and for all
Get out of every moment that made me fall..
In running away, oblivion , she sought..
For a non absent soul,she faught..

But how  to control her regretful dreams?
How can she ignore her silenced screams?


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