Different vision

Drift your morals away as she lets you down
No need for respect, don’t ever frown
Have your multi queens before your crown
I only object for her job to be just a clown!

Believe it or not I cared for her
Between truth and lies there is one thin hair
But I cared more for you to be fair
As you were not, your vision went blur

What are principals without a clear vision?
How can a wound get you through depression?
For a healthy life became an ambition
Continuous disappointment became a tradition

Apparently happiness was never truly mine
Never denied that I crossed the line
A sun that dimmed and will never again-shine
Buried in hell with a no return sign

A one way track that we mistakenly chose
From sadness and happiness we must have our dose
To either of them you can once get close!
Don’t be fooled as they might never be yours

Words meant to be not understood
But rather felt as I think they should
Feel a million scenes behind one word
See the other side of my invisible world...


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